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Batchelor Hall Renovation to be Completed Aug 2024

The scope of the project includes fire sprinklers, a new roof, expanded card key access, new Botany equipment in room 2163, and backup power. Replacing old infrastructure will bring major upgrades to one of the first buildings on campus.

The Microbes in Mangroves Along The Mexican Coast

Mangroves thrive in extreme environments and can sequester carbon emissions for thousands of years. UC Riverside and UC San Diego microbiologists identify the microbes driving this cycle and how mangroves combat climate change.

Using Pheromones to Control Avocado Weevil Pest

Entomologists and chemists seek to identify and synthesize avocado weevil pheromones as a method of pest control.

Entomologist Allison Hansen Leads Study on New Liberibacter Species

Citrus greening is the primary killer of citrus crop worldwide, caused by the bacteria family Liberibacter. A new species, L. capsica has been identified as genetically similar.

Microbiologists Investigate Pathogenic Dust in The Sierras

Dust carrying pathogens from all over the world land in the Sierra Mountains, and this issue is becoming more prominent as threats of drought increases.

IIGB Scientists Aim to Understand Aspirin Production in Plants

Environmental stresses form reactive oxygen species in organisms and play a part in cell function, but higher doses in plants are lethal. Plants produce salicylic acid, a.k.a. aspirin, to protect chloroplasts.

Switching From Tobacco to E-cigarettes Does Not Reverse Damage to Epithelial Cells

Some studies have suggested e-cigarettes may be a healthier alternative to tobacco smoking, but a study lead by Prue Talbot shows epithelium gene expression does not revert to the same profile as non-smokers.

New Medical School Pathway Program for Inland Empire Colleges

The Inland Empire has one of the lowest ratios of doctors to patients in California. UCR School of Medicine established the Inland Empire Regional Hub for Healthcare Opportunity to create pre-med pathways for local college students.

UCR-Lead Census Reports California Bumble Bees Gone Missing

Bumble bees are an important pollinator withstand cooler temperatures and lower light levels than other bees. Assistant Professor Hollis Woodard lead the first native California bumble bee census since 1980, and only found 68% of species historically known to inhabit the state.

Artificial Photosynthesis Can Grow Food Without Sunlight

In collaboration with other institutions, the Jinkerson Lab at UCR's chemical and environmental engineering department has grown plants in complete darkness.

Q&A With Dr. David Lo on Vaccines for Young Children

The CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months. Dr. David Lo is a distinguished professor of biomedical sciences and Senior Associate Dean of research at UC Riverside's School of Medicine. In this Q&A, Dr. Lo answers questions people may have about vaccinating young children.

California Citrus Clonal Protection Program Preserve The Oldest Living Orange Tree In The State

Citrus sinensis, dubbed the Sweet Mother Orange Tree, is the oldest living orange variety in California. California Citrus Clonal Protection Program at UCR received this as a budwood in 1925 and successfully cloned in 2003. After vigorous testing for diseases, the variety is now being propagated at UCR and protected for future generations.

UC Riverside Researchers Develop Biosensors From Plant Hormone Receptors

ABA is a hormone plants produce during dry spells to signal water retention. In collaboration with other institutions, UC Riverside scientists have modified this system pathway to design a biosensor to signal the presence of diverse chemical classes, including synthetic cannabinoids.

Naoki Yamanaka Discovers Insect Molting Hormone Transporter Is Missing In Mosquitos

Ecdysone is a major insect molting hormone that requires a transporter to enter cells. Fruit flies and other arthropods have EcI, a highly conserved transporter that is missing in mosquitos. This opens avenues for controlling mosquito populations.

Theodore Garland Lab Demonstrate How Antibiotics Affect Running Performance In Mice

Lack of exercise is known to be a risk factor for mental and physical health. Researchers investigate how antibiotics that kill essential bacteria in the gut microbiome affect athletic performance.

Scientists Demonstrate Efficient CRISPR Modification of Glassy-Winged Sharpshooters

Glassy-winged sharpshooters are common vectors of Xylella fastidiosa bacteria that causes Pierce's disease in vineyards. As these insects develop resistance to pesticides, biotechnology and genetic engineering methods are being explored.

UCR Genomics Core assists state with COVID variant tracking

The UCR Genomics Core is helping California's Department of Public Health with identifying COVID variants.

Hailing Jin & Anand Ray Recognized by National Academy of Inventors

The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) have elected IIGB researchers, Hailing Jin and Anandasankar Ray, as senior members of the academy. Dr. Hailing Jin is currently Professor and Cy Mouradick Endowed Chair within the department of microbiology & plant pathology. Dr. Jin’s research leads to the development of innovative and environmentally friendly crop protection strategies...

Dr. Yamanaka wins Japan Academy Award for Young Researchers

From UCR News article, published January 18, 2022 by Jules Bernstein The Japan Academy Medal, widely considered the most prestigious award for young Japanese researchers, only goes to six recipients annually. This year associate entomology professor Naoki Yamanaka has been elected for the honor. Chosen among nominees from all fields of sciences and humanities, Yamanaka...

Karine Le Roch awarded 2021 CEPCEB Natasha V. Raikhel Award

Karine Le Roch, the director of CIDVR and a professor of molecular, cell and systems biology has been awarded the 2021 Natasha V. Raikhel Award in Research Innovation and Science Leadership at the Annual CEPCEB Award Symposium on Dec. 10, 2021
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