Internal and International Collaborations
In addition to the Center for Plant Cell Biology and the Center for Infectious Disease Vector Research, the Institute for Integrative Genome Biology has a significant international collaboration with the FAFU-UCR Joint Center for Horticultural Biology and Metabolomics (HBMC). HBMC’s research covers a range of basic and translational biology in the areas of metabolomics, signal transduction, cell biology, epigenetic regulation, plant development, metabolic regulation, and discovery of functional natural products.
Research is guided by an International Scientific Advisory Committee, which consists of world-known plant biologists including Asaph Aharoni (Weizmann, Israel), Xiao-Ya Chen (CAS, China), Jiri Friml (IST, Austria), and IIGB’s Zhenbiao Yang (Director, UCR, USA) and Natasha Raikhel (UCR, USA).
IIGB’s Extensive Network
These Centers are in addition to IIGB’s extensive network of research collaborations with other on-campus organizations: