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FAO April Meinzer pictured with Director Katayoon Dehesh at the Get Recognized Award event

April Meinzer wins Spring 2023 Employee Recognition Award

April Meinzer, Financial and Administrative Officer for IIGB and Botany & Plant Sciences, was recently selected as a Spring 2023 Get Recognized award winner. Campus defines recipients of this award as career staff members who go above and beyond in their jobs, and April's work with IIGB certainly fits these characteristics. She was recognized at...

A Fond Farewell

Even in apparent retirement, Mien's presence lingers, leaving an indelible mark on every corner of the lab and etched in our memories from every angle. Mien's impact on our team is undeniable, and she will forever be an integral part of our lab. Mien, as you embark on this new chapter of your life and...

Biological cleanup discovered for certain “forever chemicals”

IIGB affiliated faculty, Dr. Yujie Men, was featured in campus news for her work with Chlorinated PFAS. The full story can be found here.

Dr. Katayoon Dehesh's Journey to IIGB Director

In her signature powerful style, Director Katayoon (Katie) Dehesh recalls to UCR Magazine the experiences that shaped her academic career and inspires her leadership in initiatives for women. The full story can be found at Nevertheless, She Persisted

CEPCEB Founder Dr. Natasha Raikhel selected for 2023 ASPB Award

The American Society for Plant Biologists (ASPB) recently awarded the prestigious Charles Barnes Life Membership Award to Dr. Natasha Raikhel, founder of the CEPCEB program, former IIGB Director, and Distinguished Professor Emeritus. Read More

Dr. Xuemei Chen Selected for 2023 ASPB Award

The American Society for Plant Biologists (ASPB) recently awarded the prestigious Martin Gibbs Medal to Dr. Xuemei Chen, Distinguished Professor of Plant Cell and Molecular Biology. Read More

Dr. Karine Le Roch Co-Leads Study on Tick-Bourne Disease Babesiosis

Babesiosis is a malaria-like disease that destroys red blood cells. UCR and Yale research team reports the first high-quality genome sequence 3D genome structure.

Congratulations Dr. Robert Jinkerson for Receiving an NSF CAREER Award

Chemical and Environmental Engineer Dr. Robert Jinkerson has been awarded an NSF CAREER award for engineering crop plants to metabolize products of CO2 electrolysis to enable food production with artificial photosynthesis.

Morris Maduro Lab's Paper Named Finalist for "Outstanding Paper Prize"

The paper explores how C. elegans develop the gut without gut-development genes found in other nematodes.

Without this, plants cannot respond to temperature

Research by IIGB members Meng Chen and Xuemei Chen were featured in a recent article by UCR campus news.


We are Power! Jingzhe Guo, a non-lipid specialist in the Dehesh lab was awarded the best post-doctoral presentation prize at the 2023 Gordon Research Conference on Plant Lipids: Structure, Metabolism and Function in Galveston, Texas!

Anad Ray Utilizes Fumes to Deter Pests

Ray finds volatile repellants such as ammonia stuns mosquito ability to smell humans. He also found amine odorants inhibit insect ability to detect humidity.

Meng Chen's NIH-funded Research Discovers 4 Plant Proteins

UCR Published the Following Article by Jules Bernstein on December 21, 2022. For decades, scientists have been stumped by the signals plants send themselves to initiate photosynthesis, the process of turning sunlight into sugars. UC Riverside researchers have now decoded those previously opaque signals. For half a century botanists have known that the command center...

Congratulations Sean Cutler for Election to the National Academy Of Inventors

Fellowship to the National Academy of Inventors is the highest distinction awarded to academic inventors. Distinguished Professor Sean Cutler's research takes a synthetic biology approach to manipulating plant response to drought.

Morris Maduro and Gina Broitman-Maduro Investigate How Worms Develop Their Gut?

C. elegans is a model organism to investigate how genes orchestrate development. Genes studied in C. elegans that specify the gut are missing in other nematodes, how do those intestines get made? Husband-and-wife duo figure out the genetic evolution.

Julia Bailey-Serres recognized on the Clarivate Analytic’s Highly Cited Researchers

On behalf of the IIGB Community & Botany and Plant Sciences Department, we congratulate our colleague Julia Bailey-Serres who been recognized on the Clarivate Analytic’s Highly Cited Researchers list once again this year. Julia is one of six UCR faculty on the list this year. It is truly remarkable that she has been on this...

Dr. Sika Zheng's to Study Mechanisms of Alzheimer's Disease

Dr. Sika Zheng will study neural-specific RNA splicing and dysregulation in Alzheimer's disease funded by a $250,000 NIH grant.

Prue Talbot Investigates the Effects of Thirdhand Smoking on Skin

Thirdhand smoke is the residual tobacco pollutants that remain on surfaces indefinitely. UCR, UCSF, and UCD researchers funded by tobacco research grants published an article outlining the damage of third-hand smoking

UCR Women's Volleyball Emerge Victorious Against UCSD

UCR breaks UCSD's historical win streak in a nail-biting match, winning 3-2.

The Experiences of an Immigrant Distinguished Professor at UCR

Alexander Raikhel is a Distinguished Professor of Entomology and member of the National Academy of Sciences. Learn about his inspiring story of pursuing science despite discrimination and political strife.
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