
Latest News for November 7th, 2023

Illustration shows D. sechellia, a fly endemic to the Seychelles, on the noni fruit. (Taylor N. Black)

How did a fly species gain sole access to a fruit in the Seychelles?

Anupama Dahanukar describes her lab's work on understanding how Drosophila sechellia came to be the only fly species attracted to a fruit growing on the islands. The article is based on work published in Cell Reports under the title of " Evolution of fatty acid taste in drosophilids"

Living worm found in woman's brain… what does it have to do with your diet?

UCR parasitology professor Adler Dillman joined the Something Offbeat podcast to talk about the discovery of a worm in a woman's brain, and the connection that discovery has to her diet.
Profile photos of Ian Wheeldon and Sean Cutler, University of California Riverside researchers

These Plants Change Color When Exposed To A Pesticide

Sean Cutler and Ian Wheeldon have developed a technique to make the Arabidopsis thaliana plant change color in response to the pesticide azinphos-ethyl. In an article with Wired, they explained the process of harnessing genes in the plant's stress response system to achieve this color change and its possible applications in indicating the presence of...
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