A nucleus for the increasingly multidisciplinary, multidimensional and international nature of 21st century genomics research.


From our seminar series and symposia to our on-campus training programs, we offer a host of opportunities for in-person collaboration. 

Seminar Series



Core Facilities and Collaboration Partner

IIGB uses the Bookitlab reservation software for requesting services and reserving instruments across our four cores. 

Collaboration partner:

IIGB in action

Explore the stories of the people and research leading the way for genomics at UCR. Featured news and media to inspire and uplift collaborations across our community. 

Our Centers

Our Centers facilitate scientific collaboration among UCR faculty and student researchers

Center for Plant Cell Biology (CEPCEB)

Center for Infectious Disease Vector Research (CIVR)


more than 100 varied and collaborative research scientists
members of the Natl Academy of Science
UCR Departments
UCR Colleges or Schools represented

Our Membership

Our Membership includes over 100 physical and life scientists, engineers, biologists, computer scientists and statisticians in 20 Departments across 4 UCR Colleges and Schools.



Our Research

Find out more about our Institute leadership, our Core Facilities and available Careers throughout the Institute.


Core Facilities


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